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The Forum on Women and Laudato Si: Seeing through Gender Lens was successfully conducted on March 28, 2022 having SR. Teresa Dagdag, a Maryknoll Sister and a Founding member of IGOROTA Foundation, Inc. (IFI) as the Resource Speaker.

The event was hosted by IFI and was facilitated by Dr. Angelita Padilla, the IFI’s Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. This was done through hybrid forum having 30 online and 12 face-to-face participants from different organizations/sectors. #womenempowerment2022#WomenAndEnvironment

Inspired by our vision of “Women’s Holistic Development for Self-sustaining Communities,” IGOROTA Foundation, Inc. will be celebrating its 35th Founding Anniversary on April 23, 2022. A long glorious milestone in remaining faithful in advancing women’s empowerment through transformative training, education, organizing, and advocacy in the Cordillera Administrative Region.   

We take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped IGOROTA Foundation, Inc. in reaching this stage and continue serving in the Cordillera. We shall be honored by your presence in celebrating with us the support and commitment given by countless groups, friends, members and benefactors who made this possible. 

As part of this remarkable event, we will be launching our 35th coffee table portraying our stories, gains, and accomplishments through the years. At this event, we are organizing a fundraising for sponsorship to sustain our Learning Resource Center Services as we continue to publish reference materials; provide venues for learning on gender, women, and cordillera issues; undertakes research and information generation, and publishes the IGOROTA Magazine for the expression and exchange of ideas and experiences on women and Cordillera issues. In this regard, we invite you and your organization to contribute any amount to sustain our Learning Resource Center.

LOOK: In support of the Women’s Month Celebration, IGOROTA Foundation Inc. will be conducting a Forum on Women and Laudato Si: Seeing Through Gender Lens. This is a reflection on the relationship between women and ‘Laudato Si’, the encyclical written by Pope Francis, who wrote it to address the massive environmental devastation that is happening currently in our human history. It will talk about the responsibility of humans to care for our Common Home. Laudato Si was made public on May 15, 2015.

Open to all. Kindly register in advance for this meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/…/tZ0ucOyorjMsGNRw63EjoSmTPvHiU… After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The IGOROTA Foundation, Inc. fully joins and supports the celebration of the 2022 National Women’s Month.

Bearing this year’s theme, “We make CHANGE, Work for Women” is a recognition of the important role/contribution of every woman in all aspects and sectors in Agriculture, Culture, Health and Nutrition, Trade and Industry, Manufacturing and Employment, Education, Housing, Justice, Peace and Security, Science and Technology, Transportation, Civil Service, and Politics.

This month, the women are the center of the stage – standing up for their rights, and serving as instruments of change. HAPPY WOMEN’S MONTH!

Reminiscing the Milestones of our Humble Foundation.